The crc32 procedure computes a 32 bit Cyclic Redundancy Check (CRC).
// This program uses the built-in procedure crc32
// to calculate the 32-bit CRC for a file.
// Basically the program asks for the name of the file
// and then it reads the file a character at a time
// passing each byte to crc32.
// Finally it calls crc32 4 times with zero to
// complete the crc calculation. This is part of
// the process of calculating CRCs.
program filecrc(input, output);
fn : filename;
f : file of char;
c : char;
crc : integer;
write('Enter filename: ');
writeln('Calculating CRC...');
crc := 0;
reset(f, fn);
while not eof(f) do
read(f, c);
crc32(crc, c);
crc32(crc, 0);
crc32(crc, 0);
crc32(crc, 0);
crc32(crc, 0);
writeln('CRC for ', fn, ' is ', crc, ' (', hex(crc), ')');
Operating Systems: All
Standard Pascal: No