Sample CGI programs

Irie Pascal sample CGI programs


The following sample CGI programs are provided to help you get started writing your own programs.

They can also be used to check whether your web server has been configured correctly to run Irie Pascal CGI programs.

These sample programs all work, so if they don't work on your web server then your web server is not configured correctly.


This program is a CGI version of the classic Hello World program.

For more click cgihello.html.

This program is included with Irie Pascal (in the samples directory).


This program displays the contents of the standard CGI environment variables (these environment variables are used to pass useful information to the CGI application).

For more click cgiinfo.html.

This program is included with Irie Pascal (in the samples directory).


This program is used to redirect the visitor to a new page.

For more, click redirect.html.


This program is used to send email.

For more click cgimail.html.


This program displays a form, accepts input from the user, and then displays the input from the user. Basically this program serves to illustrate how to handle forms with CGI.

For more click cgiform.html.

This program is included with Irie Pascal (in the samples directory).


This program displays any cookies sent to it from the user's browser, and displays a form that allows the user to create, delete, or modify cookies. Basically this program serves to illustrate how to handle cookies with CGI.

For more click cgicook.html.

This program is included with Irie Pascal (in the samples directory).