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2.5 Compiler directives

Compiler directives are special kinds of comments, that give instructions to the compiler, and look like this:


where OPEN_COMMENT is either

      {      or       (*

and CLOSE_COMMENT is either

      }      or       *)

and NAME is the name of the compiler directive and is on of the following:

All of the compiler directive can be used as flag directives, and in this case the compiler directive instructs the compiler to turn an option on or off. When a compiler directive is used as a flag directive the INFORMATION part of the compiler directive is one of the following symbols: So for example the following compiler directive (*$R-*) turns range checking off.

The I compiler directive can be used to instruct the compiler to include a file inside the current file. In this case the INFORMATION part of the compiler directive is the name of the file to include.

For example:   (*$I*)

The W compiler directive can be used to instruct the compiler to turn off or on individual warning messages. So for example:


can be used to turn off the warning about "<X> is never used", before including a file which declares many identitifiers (some of which you don't intend to use) and


can be used to turn this warning back on after the file is included.

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