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7.4.19 The fsplit procedure


The fsplit procedure splits a filename into its component parts.


  1. The first parameter is an expression of string type or char type which contains the filename to be split.
  2. The second parameter is optional, and if supplied is a reference to the string variable which will store the directory/folder part of the filename. If this parameter is not supplied then the directory/folder part of the filename is not stored.
  3. The third parameter is optional, and if supplied is a reference to the string variable which will store the name part of the filename. If this parameter is not supplied then the name part of the filename is not stored.
  4. The fourth parameter is optional, and if supplied is a reference to the string variable which will store the extension part of the filename. If this parameter is not supplied then the extension part of the filename is not stored.
Although the second, third, and fourth parameters are optional, at least one of them must be supplied.


   fsplit('/usr/local/bin/readme.txt', d, n, e) stores
             '/usr/local/bin' in "d" and
             'readme' in "n" and
             '.txt' in "e"

   fsplit('c:\autoexec.bat', d,,) stores 'c:\' in "d"


Operating Systems: All
Standard Pascal: No

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