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7.4.16 The exit procedure


The exit procedure terminates the program or the function or procedure in which it is used, and optionally may return a value to the caller.

If used in a function then the exit procedure terminates the function. If used in a function named f then exit(e) is equivalent to:

      f := e;

If used in a procedure then exit terminates the procedure. If used in a procedure then exit(x) is invalid since you can not return a value from a procedure.

If used in the main program then exit terminates the program. If used in the main program then exit(e) is equivalent to:

      ExitCode := e;

(i.e. the program is terminated with e as the exit code).


The exit procedure's only paramter is an expression. If supplied this parameter is the value to be returned by the program or function or procedure.


Operating Systems: All
Standard Pascal: No

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