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connection is the type identifier for a built-in object type, whose values identify instances of connection objects. As the name suggests, instances of connection objects are used to connect to database engines, currently connections can only be made via ODBC or to MySQL databases.

The connection object type has the following methods:

The connection object type has the following properties:

The built-in procedure new is used to create instances of connection objects, and the built in procedure dispose is used to detroy instances of connection objects.


The simple program below illustrates how to connect to a database engine using the connection object type.

program Data(input, output);
   conn : connection;

   procedure DisplayError(msg : string);

   function GetConnectionString : string;
      s, sDSN, sUSER, sPassword : string;

      function GetStringValue(sPrompt : string) : string;
         sValue : string;
         GetStringValue := sValue

      if supported(feature_odbc) then
            sDSN := GetStringValue('Enter Data Source Name (DSN):');
            sUser := GetStringValue('Enter user id:');
            sPassword := GetStringValue('Enter password:');
            s := 'ODBC;DSN='+sDSN+';user='+sUser+';password='+sPassword;
      else if supported(feature_mysql) then
            sUser := GetStringValue('Enter user id:');
            sPassword := GetStringValue('Enter password:');
            s := 'MYSQL;user="'+sUser+'";password="'+sPassword+'";socket="/tmp/mysql.sock"';
         DisplayError('No database support detected');
      GetConnectionString := s;

   //Add code here to process database


Operating Systems: All
Standard Pascal: No

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